July 27, 2024

How to use Bootstrap style validation in ASP.NET Core

This post is about using Bootstrap 4 style validation in ASP.NET Core. By default ASP.NET Core validation messages will be displayed in the bottom of the invalid control. And even if we are using bootstrap, the validation styles won’t be applied. In this post I will explain how to configure Bootstrap validation styles to ASP.NET Core.

SwiftUI Useful Modifiers

.resizeable() – Modifier that makes the view resizable. e.g. .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) – Modifier that causes the view to cross the safe area boundaries. Safe area options: @State – This tells SwiftUI …

Implement a WebView in SwiftUI

To use any UIKit component in SwiftUI, it needs to be wrapped with UIViewRepresentable. Create the wrapper struct: 2. UIViewRepresentable requires the ‘makeUIView’ and ‘updateUIView functions to be implemented: 3. …


Docker images Dockerfiles are used by Docker to build images. It is basically a text file that contains all instructions needed to build an image. Each instruction adds a layer …

Creating a React app

Before we can create a new React app, ensure NPM (Node Package Manager) is installed. NPM is bundled with Node.js. Install Node.js from here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/ Once installed, in a terminal …