July 27, 2024

Azure Event Grid Overview

Event Grid allows you to implement event-based architectures. Concepts Events Every event is comprised of common information such as event source, time of event, and unique id. The event may …

Azure Service Bus overview

Azure Service Bus is a fully managed message broker. Types of messaging scenarios: Messaging – Transfer of data from one component/service to another Decouple applications – Use a message broker …

SwiftUI Useful Modifiers

.resizeable() – Modifier that makes the view resizable. e.g. .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) – Modifier that causes the view to cross the safe area boundaries. Safe area options: @State – This tells SwiftUI …

Implement a WebView in SwiftUI

To use any UIKit component in SwiftUI, it needs to be wrapped with UIViewRepresentable. Create the wrapper struct: 2. UIViewRepresentable requires the ‘makeUIView’ and ‘updateUIView functions to be implemented: 3. …