April 26, 2024

SwiftUI Useful Modifiers

.resizeable() – Modifier that makes the view resizable. e.g. .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) – Modifier that causes the view to cross the safe area boundaries. Safe area options: @State – This tells SwiftUI …

Implement a WebView in SwiftUI

To use any UIKit component in SwiftUI, it needs to be wrapped with UIViewRepresentable. Create the wrapper struct: 2. UIViewRepresentable requires the ‘makeUIView’ and ‘updateUIView functions to be implemented: 3. …


Docker images Dockerfiles are used by Docker to build images. It is basically a text file that contains all instructions needed to build an image. Each instruction adds a layer …

Useful learning resources

Cloud Academy – Is a premium service that offers excellent hands-on courses for all Cloud platforms and topics. Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, AI, containers, Kubernetes, web services, functional …

Azure Automation

Azure automation consists of the following: Process automation Allows you to automate frequent and time consuming tasks. It allows you to create ‘runbooks‘ to run automation jobs. Configuration management Use …

Azure VM extensions

This application allows post-deployment configuration and automation tasks to be applied on Azure VMs. Azure VM extensions can be used to install software or run a script for instance. They …

Mensa for kids

Mensa for kids – Excellent resource on various topics for kids (https://www.mensaforkids.org) Pages I like so far: Writers Toolbox – Nice article on how to write essays (https://www.mensaforkids.org/teach/lesson-plans/the-writer-s-toolbox/) Fabulous Fibonacci …

Your Name

A really beautiful anime movie I’d recommend to people is ‘Your Name’. Makoto Shinkai is a very talented director and writer. This was his first mainstream film. It was critically …

Azure App Service

This is a managed HTTP-based service for hosting web applications, REST APIs, and mobile back-ends. Apps can be developed using popular languages and frameworks such as .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, …